Two strands or twines, having come together at a church book-table, formed a rope. As young single woman, with a masters in English and certificates in counselling, Martie worked as technical editor for a minerals research facility. Thomas, was previously a human resource development practitioner, in a process of divorce, transitioning to a specialist higher education teaching advisory role. Martie moved into an electronic information management and retrieval position; including webmaster responsibilities; business information digesting; and knowledge management systems administration. She pursued and acquired a Diploma in Library Science. Thomas completed a masters and DPhil degrees, with certificates in small business management and massage in-between.
When Martie found herself in a surplus position, due to downscaling, she saw a business opportunity for curating information for psychologists and psychiatrists, ideally as a means for continued professional development (CPD). ‘PsychDigest’ was birthed, aggressively marketed enthusiastically produced with the help of Thomas, as initial primary product of ‘PsychSoma’ (some elaborate prospects were envisaged for 'Psych & Soma', mind and body centered). Unfortunately, the application as CPD provider did not materialise. Cost exceeded income and ‘PsychDigest’ had to be terminated.
Although disappointed, Martie was not disillusioned and started blogging about using Tarot cards for creative thinking (brainstorming, decision-making, problem-solving), planning, goal-setting and motivation, self-exploration, creative activities, counselling, relaxation and more. This is how ‘The Sceptic's Tarot’ - came about. Martie is skeptical about divination, the supernatural and psychic powers of Tarot, but respects those who do believe. Martie made an intensive study and developed courses for individuals interested in pursuing the potential of Tarot cards, such as "How to read tarot cards: A quick guide" and "Reading the cards for your self."
Thomas has blogged extensively about various aspects of learning (in vivo) from experiences, as well as qualitative research and a range of other topics. However, several blogs are ‘on hold’.