A group of Career Development experts succinctly captured what career management is about:
- Change is constant due to the fluidity and complexity
- Follow your heart - your values, entrenched believes and interests drives you
- Focus on the journey - The constant changes undermines and distracts, one therefore need to focus and enjoy the process/journey.
- Stay learning - realise that most learning is not in formal settings, but in vivo day-to day. It is therefore important to become a self-directed learner and to develop a bank of evidence of your learning: this can be done by identifying your learning, recording/capturing it and to organise it. It is important to master reflecting, recording and action planning - especially to focus (3) on following your heart (2)
- Be an ally - suggest a community, such as in a community of practise.
Butter P, Davidson D, Day B, Gitterman A, Hackett H, Lamb T, McCormick J, Redekopp D, Robb M, Ross B, Tocher M (1995) - http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_pric/is_199500/ai_763126153/pg_1
Kenworthy-U'ren, A. 2008. Service-learning and career development learning: a synergistic coupling. In the Australian Learning & Teaching Council symposium pre-reading - http://www.usq.edu.au/resources/nagcasaltcsymposiumprereading120608.pdf