Co-operative Education is an educational model that incorporates productive work into the curriculum as an integral element of a higher education programme/qualification.
Reciprocity [pronounced res-uh-pros-i-tee; origin: 1760-70, Latin reciproc(us) - reciprocal + ity] means mutual exchange - given, done in return or felt by each toward the other; a mutual cooperative interchange of favours, rights and/or privileges between parties (e.g. an educational institution and an organisation); complementing one another; are all factors that are key to cooperative education.
While looking at the meaning of words:
- Inc. (incorporated) means to merge, embody, bring together, affiliate or organise.
- Cel[l] means a living organism (in vivo), unit or organisation.
- Far means either at a distance (away for the educational institution), remote or a long way of (e.g. distance education) or to an advanced point (widely applicable/extended/known or carrying many consequences).
IN (industry needs) + CC (continuous consultation) + EL (experiential learning) + FA (faculty abreast) + R (reciprocity) = Cooperative Education.
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