Abstract: (http://apjce.org/volume_10/apjce_10_2_75_98.pdf)
The objective of this paper is to share the learning derived from an action research pilot project on the monitoring of work-integrated learning. The South African higher education imperatives are outlined and perspectives on both defined competencies and/or outcomes of assessment are reviewed, as well as the more “artistic” ability derived from unexpected experiences and problem‐centered/based learning. Views on developing reflective ability are presented. The research method of entails an outline of the preparation phase, an exposition of the monitoring guidelines and instrument, as well as an explanation of action research. The launch, progression and review phases are then outlined. The findings comprise a synopsis of the qualitative data derived from the monitoring reports submitted, a summary of a focus group discussion held with regional learning facilitation staff, and the reflective perspectives of the central coordinating office staff. The article is concluded with a discussion of key lessons taken from the experience and procedural proposals (Asia‐Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 10(2), 75-98).