… because it (appreciative inquiry) reduces anxiety and fear; eliminates blame games and expands the capacity for creative thinking.
David Cooperrider and Suresh Srivastva developed appreciative inquiry (AI) in the 1980s. They based AI on the premise that 'organisations change in the direction in which they inquire'—if inquiring into problems the organisation will keep finding problems; but if attempting to appreciate what is best in itself an organisation will discover more and more that is good. AI often follows the '4-D' model:
- Discover—get incumbents to talk about the organisation is at its best.
- Dream—encouraged incumbents to envision the organisation/department as if the best moments identified in the 'discover' phase were the norm
- Design—ways of creating the dreamed about organisation/department
- Destiny— implement the design as means to realise the dreamed reality
It should be obvious that learning derived from AI would be amplified.