Specific interventions over time to address specific situations, namely counselling, coaching and mentoring (short- and long-term):
- Counselling is generally regarded as remedial, but could also be a proactive means towards improving practice. It is about reflection on a job done, draws from the experience en enables improvement (reflective).
- Couching is more instructive in nature, icluding demonstration, modelling and/or clarifying expected compentence required.
- Mentoring goes beyond the task at hand, focussing on the mentee's development; in the short-term on preparing the mentee for an immediate furure job; whereas long-term considers the career and life of the mentee.
The source of this sketch is: Raven, G. 2011. Mentoring to support work-integrated learning -- a source book for strengthening conservative professional, practice and organisations. Cape Town: Cape Action for People and the Environment (C.A.P.E.) Capacity Development Programme. [Page 21]
I experienced this sketch and explanations as wow!
Raven's (2011: 39) levels of mentoring, purpose thereof and suggested focus are further most useful:
The entire publication (of much better legibility quality) is downloadable.