Dominant themes arose from recurring issues in literature about the implementation of educational simulations (Magee, 2006: 31-33), namely:
Occurrence in literature reviewed
Providing feedback
Repetitive practice
Curriculum integration
Range of difficulty
Multiple learning strategies
Capturing variation
Individualized learning
Defined outcomes
Simulator validity
Realistic simulation context
Low cost of failure
Providing feedback: Appropriate feedback to the user involves the simulation providing some form of assessment as to the performance of the user. It is considered important for the learner to be able to understand where they succeeded and failed and adjust their behaviour accordingly.
Repetitive practice: The simulation must allow for the learning activity to be performed over and over again. This was seen as the key to mastering the fundamental skills within the simulator so that the learner could perform those same skills in a real life context. It was recognized that each learner would need to repeat the simulated skills at very different levels of repetition. By allowing him or her to do so, the simulation would provide a very learner-centric experience that could be customized to each learner.
Curriculum integration: This is related to the ability of a simulation to take several different curriculum subject areas and demonstrate how they are all integrated together. This type of simulation was designed to break the traditional constraints of linear curriculum by showing how it integrates into a dynamic model. It is considered important because too many students did not understand the knowledge they were building in a holistic or systematic perspective.
Range of difficulty: The simulation must have an ability to facilitate learners of different levels of competence. It is important that learners must not be bored if the simulation proves too easy or frustrated when they cannot perform the tasks in the simulation. A simulation that can slowly scaffold in additional tasks is seen as the ideal design as it allows learners to build up complex behaviours over time and at their own pace.
Multiple Learning Strategies: Some learning objectives required very open simulation models that would allow learners to experiment with many different options. The ability to achieve similar results through a variety of strategies would allow several different approaches to learning to be integrated into a single simulation.
Capturing Variation: For some simulations it is important that the natural variation that occurs within the real world is captured. This is certainly the case in biological systems. A simulation was not considered to have enough authenticity unless it had a degree of randomness and uncertainty that the learner would also experience in the real world. Without this element the learner would only build mastery of a single procedure within the simulation and neglect to build up skills for dealing with unexpected elements.
Individualized learning: This is the ability of a simulation to allow entry of different variables in order to customize each experience to the individual learner. This could involve changing the quantitative parameters that go into the simulation models or modifying the rules that define the win state of the simulation or game. This could be easily changed to address the learning needs and skill level of individual learners.
Defined outcomes: No matter how valid the underlying model is, it was important that the simulation make the learning outcomes of the experience very explicit. Learners needed to have a complete understanding of the purpose of the simulation experience as well as the parameters they would need to achieve to finish it.
Simulator validity: This is a very important aspect of a successful educational simulation. As every virtual environment is constructed it is critical that it be based on valid models that closely represent reality. In most adult learning contexts, the skills that are built up within the simulation must translate to a real world context. In many cases, the cost of failing in the real world can have consequences to both health and safety.
Realistic simulation context: The realism of the simulation context is related to the placement of the simulation into a real life context. It is considered important that even though the learning is occurring in a simulation that both the learner and the simulation be physically located in the place where the skills will be performed in real life.
Low cost of failure: One of the most important elements identified within a simulation was the ability to fail during the learner’s attempts to successfully navigate them. The concept relies on the belief that it is better to fail in a simulated environment, as it is a low-cost environment. This was considered important for dealing with learners who needed to not only fail but also be able to see the consequences of that failure within the simulation. The goal of having this kind of element is to provide the learner with an understanding of a system so that they can successful deal with a situation in the real world that may affect health or safety.
Magee, M. 2006. State of Field Review: Simulation in Education (Final Report, 12 May 2006). Calgary AB: Alberta Online Learning Consortium. Electronically retrieved 19 October 2011 from: