Deriving learning from experiences does not merely happen. A note-taking system devised at the University of Cornell, by an education professor, Walter Pauk, in the 1950s, could remarkably enhance the learning from experiences. A spiral reporter's notepad (or any of choice) works well. Space of 2-3 cm is left at the top to record the date, setting and circumstances. A line is drawn vertically, about a quarter to a third, from the left, leaving about 4-5 cms at the bottom. The column on the right serves as space to take notes of observations, explanations, facts, descriptions, etc. The column on the left use for key words, questions, etc. The space at the bottom is meant for recording a summary after the experience, for example at the end of the day.
Due to the efficiency of this method it is still being advocated; iPad templates exist for easy note taking; as well as pre-formated Cornell notepaper and guides to create a MS Word template; or PDF-format versions to print for use.
The Dr Walter Pauk Cornell system emphasises the five Rs, namely Record, Reduce, Recite, Reflect and Review.