The roles of mentors and tutors respectively, depicted in the winning-trio and circles of relations, mirror the ten commandments of Bova and Phillips (1981, in Nuninger & Châtelet 2011, 97).
The fact that “mentors gain the satisfaction of being able to transfer skills and knowledge accumulated through extensive professional practice” may serve as important feature to solicit buy-in from organisations (Nuninger & Châtelet 2011, 98).
Bova, B.M. & Philips, R.E. (1981). The mentor relationship, a study of mentors and proteges in business and academia. (Eric 208233).
Nuninger, W. and Châtelet, J.M. 2011. Work-Integrated Learning for Engineers in Coordination with Industries. In P. Keleher; A. Patil, R.E. Harreveld (eds). 2011. Work-integrated learning in engineering, built environment and technology: diversity of practice in practice (pp. 85-109). Hershey, Pa.: Information Science Reference.