The four different curricular modalities of work-integrated learning identified in the CHE’s (2011) Work-Integrated Learning: Good Practice Guide are revisited in the CHE’s (2014) Distance Higher Education Programmes in a Digital Era: Good Practice Guide, namely
- Work-directed theoretical learning.
- Problem-based learning.
- Project-based learning.
- Workplace learning.
It is said that “the general issues and principles discussed there would apply also in a distance education context but with the added complexity of how institutions design, manage, support and assess these kinds of approaches in such a way as to ensure equivalence of experience across a distributed and diverse body of students” (p. 34).
Council on Higher Education (CHE). 2014. Distance Higher Education Programmes in a Digital Era: Good Practice Guide. Produced on behalf of the CHE by the South African Institute for Distance Education (Saide). Pretoria: CHE.