Headed (Stack Exchange 2014) means to have a heading—to be going in a particular direction. It is reasonable six-tens through the second decade of the 21st century to wonder where we are headed with regard to work-integrated learning (WIL).
Where indeed is WIL headed, given the degree of global controversy and strife? Some communities of practice and certain populations have matured and are open minded and accommodating. Other populations are conservatively holding on to sometimes archaic beliefs, fearfully clinging to what is familiar. The bold leadership of some large corporations takes stances against what they perceive as discriminating and wrong. Others dig their heels in and endeavor to retain the status quo.
Educational institutions should expand their networks (more about this in http://bit.ly/2h6jra8). However, partnering should be done sagaciously to prevent being caught up in detrimental placement opportunities. Students should get to know themselves, and their values, and acquire clarity on which paths they would prefer to walk. Students should muster their resources to research prospective paths as well they can, before pursuing where they wish to go.
There appears to be a need to head simultaneously in several directions; to piggy-back; and to apply discretion in disclosure in the interest of personal branding. Convictions are admirable, but the consequences of actions must be considered (more about this in http://bit.ly/2ibjEXf).