Globally, resilience and adaptability are sought to deal with the fluid state of 21st Century reality, say Usher (2019: 113), who indicate that “Learning as a finite suite of knowledge and skills at university to prepare for a static career is now anathema, with industry demanding constant new insight and innovation to meet the needs of an ever-changing global society”.
The word ‘anathema’ originated in 16th Century via Church Latin from Greek from anatithenai, meaning dedicated (to evil) or something accursed ( ‘Anathema’ means a person or thing detested, loathed, accursed or consigned to damnation or destruction. Also ‘a formal ecclesiastical curse involving excommunication’, or ‘any imprecation of divine punishment’.
The ability of graduates to use their acquired knowledge and effectively develop their selves within their chosen field “depends on the extent to which they have internalized learning as a set of values and dispositions; that is, the extent to which they developed a learning identity of their own” say Usher (2019: 114).
The noun ‘disposition’ refers to ‘the predominant or prevailing tendency of one's spirits; natural mental and emotional outlook or mood; characteristic attitude’ ( It pertains to a person's usual temperament, or frame of mind, inclination, or tendency, or state of mind regarding something. Legally it means the final settlement of a matter. Usher (2019: 114) correlates effective teaching and the student’s “conscious learning identity, positive learning attitudes and dispositions”.
The significance of effective cooperative work-integrated education (CWIE) largely rests with the modelled practice of the workplace supervisor (or mentor) as powerful and explicit learning tool for the intern, say Usher (2019: 114) and suggests that “action is needed to sustainably develop supervisors as positive role models or providers of quality explicit instruction for practicum students wishing to enter the profession”. However, the extent of such collaborative development is dependent upon the extent the workplace organisations provide space and enable the supervisor to engage purposefully in the required complex learning relationship.
“The workplace has rightly been identified as providing a rich and rewarding source of learning for students” say Usher (2019: 115). However, “critically reflective dialogue as a medium for ongoing and developmental feedback” is deemed needed as “integral part of effective workplace learning or work-integrated learning”. Furthermore, is involvement from all stakeholders of significance.
Usher, A.S. (2019). Modeling resilient and adaptable work-integrated learning practice: The importance of learning dispositions in initial teacher education. International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning, 20(2), 113-126. Electronically accessible from