Shadowing entails following someone else while they are at work to learn about that person's job. Often shadowing takes place during orientation (onboarding) at a new place of work, or new job by initially shadowing a more experienced employee.
While undergoing an abdominal ultrasound examination, I pondered shadowing. The sonographer gave several instructions while operating the ultrasonic imaging device to produce diagnostic images. While lying on my back or either side with my hands above my head, I have been asked to breathe in deeply and holding my breath during scanning. I was also asked to pinch my nose, puff my cheeks, and hold my breath during scanning; and to engage in starting sit-ups, and to hold my abdominal muscles tight while scanning. These are the various techniques to acquire the best possible three-dimensional diagnostic images for the ultrasound report. If a student-sonographer that is undergoing clinical training, were to only receive the images, there would not be much learning opportunity. However, if the individual were introduced to me, my consent requested, actions explained while observing—being told what is done and why, then significant training would probably be derived from such shadowing.
Time spent shadowing intellectual work seems to require telepathy. Often shadowing is advocated as a means for existing employees who are aspiring to advancement, to gain experience laterally. However, unless the future role-taker is entrusted aspects of work to intellectually engage with on their own, while under supervision and guidance, little learning could be expected. Merely being kept in the loop through email traffic does not allow for shadowing of the intellectual processes involved.