Demonstration of “real competence in any occupation” entails “whether a person can apply and transfer learning at the workplace or across a variety of workplaces”, states the South African Department of Higher Education and Training. 2014 to 2024 has been declared the DECADE OF THE ARTISAN in South Africa, with an extensive programme to support the notion.
Workplace learning is considered the most critical component of learning in artisan development towards real competence. The 7-Steps of the National Artisan Development are:
- Step 1: Career Guidance and Management
- Step 2: General or Vocational or Fundamental Knowledge Learning
- Step 3: Learner Agreement Registration and Contracting
- Step 4: Occupational Knowledge and Practical Learning
- Step 5: Workplace Learning
- Step 6: Trade Testing and Recognition of Prior Learning
- Step 7: Assurance and Certification
During workplace learning the occupational knowledge and practical learning of step 4 are assimilated and applied in the workplace. Workplace learning exposes students/learners “to real life situations within the workplace including all aspects of the [particular] occupation such as work ethics, safety, responsibilities and quality performance of work required by industry".
Workplace learning is regarded “the most significant and most difficult of the various learning processes” and the support of a “qualified workplace mentor, previously known as the journeyman” is therefore regarded essential. “Workplace mentors are qualified and experienced artisans [or practitioners] in the same trade [occupation/profession as] the artisan learner [or student] is registered for”, which unfortunately—due to scarcity, hampers workplace learning. The proposed solution is “to bring back retired artisans to fulfil the function of a mentor in the workplace”.
The workplace learning process entail “on the job” learning; allowing the student/learner to progressively and sequentially apply what has been acquired in step 4 (above) in a real workplace. During workplace learning, the student/leaner is exposed to the entire scope of the
trade/occupation/profession; in accordance to the curriculum of the occupational trade or other qualification; in order to ensure that once qualified, the person will be fully competent to become a productive worker in the industry/profession and will only need further specific industry training.