Bagele Chilisa (2011: 38) explains that postcolonial indigenous research methodologies share assumptions with the transformative research paradigm. By adopting decolonisation and indigenisation aims, postcolonial indigenous research methodologies emphasise transforming conventional ways of knowledge production by being inclusive of multiple knowledge systems. Decolonised and indigenised research methodologies do not necessary derive theory from written texts “but can be inferred by the researcher from oral traditions, stories, legends, language, and artefacts” (Chilisa, 2011: 39). The researcher, in postcolonial indigenous methodologies, further “has a duty to retrieve from the oral texts, perspectives, concepts, and theories that form conceptual and theoretical frameworks for research studies, rationale, and justification for selected data-gathering techniques, data analysis, and research finding dissemination strategies".
Chilisa, B. 2011. Indigenous Research Methodologies. Los Angeles: Sage