Reflected on envisaged departmental research initiatives and released the resemblance with exercise to get fit. Nobody can do it for you!
Yes, people can help in many different ways, but the individual need to put in the effort in order to achieve the desired results.
Take running, for example, a coach can provide guidance; a marathon preparation plan can be followed; but the individual need to invest the time and effort. The lead researcher needs to take note of every literature finding; need to allow what is known about the topic settle in her/his mind. Need to conceive (Latin ‘concipere’ – to take fully, take in) the research question or hypothesis.
There is most certainly lots of space/s for helpers (or ‘seconders’ as Natasha Papini outlines in ‘Becoming a first-class seconder’), but the runner needs to endure the race.
Beginner researchers are welcome and need to be encouraged and supported, similar to walkers, slow runners, and beginner runners in the running arena.
Beginner researchers can undertake the slog of exploring a multitude of data bases, using different search terms; download and safe articles found in a manageable way.
Beginner researchers can browse the large volumes of articles for ‘gems’ and make summaries to share with lead researchers.
Beginner researchers could compose the biographies exactly as per the prescribed referencing method.
Beginner researchers could help prepare and distribute the questionnaires, or under guidance conduct the data collection interviews.
Beginner researchers could capture the data, or undertake the transcriptions of qualitative data.
Beginner researchers could do the data analyses with the relevant statistical package/s in a variety of ways and produce graphs and charts for interpretation; or undertake the qualitative data analyses.
Beginner researchers could read and re-read the various texts; undertake edits, and check every detail.
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