If you want to generate meaning for a card by using a combination of suit, element and number--and without memorising the LWB--it might be a good idea to separate the associations that have sprung up around the suit element and suit itself.
Wands are often associated with the element Fire, but by no means always. In some systems, Swords are associated with fire, while Wands are associated with Air. But what do you do when you have studied one system, and are confronted with a deck that uses another? For example, the suit of Wands, where Wands=Fire, has become associated with transformative power. A wand can be used in magic or witchcraft, and fire is a transformative element: put the two together, and you get "transformative power". But would this still be true if the suit of Wands are associated with Air, instead, as in the Celtic Dragon Tarot and the Fantastical Creatures Tarot?
The next few posts will discuss the suit symbols separated from the elements.
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