Once you have generated as many ideas as you could to solve a problem, you need to evaluate those ideas for usefulness. In their book Creative approaches to problem solving, Isaksen, Dorval, and Treffinger suggest the following procedure:
- Select one of the ideas or possible solutions.
- Brainstorm as many advantages of the idea as you can.
- Once you have a list of advantages, you need to shift mindset and brainstorm all the disadvantages of the solution.
- Shift mindset for a second time, and list all the unique, new, or unusual qualities about the idea.
These steps should ensure that you are completely equipped to sell the idea to the client or management.
Isaksen, S.G., Dorval, K.B, & Treffinger, D.J. (1994). Creative approaches to problem solving. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt.
Mycoted (n.d.). Advantages, limitations and unique qualities.